
Student Clubs & Organizations

在SJC,我们知道大学不仅仅是讲座和教科书. Student clubs and organizations are where you can truly embrace your passions and discover new ones. 准备好加入冒险?


Take your college experience to the next level with SJC's student clubs and organizations! 这里有20多个小组可供你加入,你可以在这里学习、做志愿者、玩耍和成长. 

想要站出来领导? 那就加入我们的学生组织吧. You'll help plan and coordinate campus and community events, setting the tone for life at SJC. You can also join one of our student clubs to connect with others who share your academic and personal interests. 在SJC,学习不会止步于课堂, 因此,加入我们的学生社区,结交终身的友谊和难忘的回忆.

"Being in Geeks & Gamers Club has helped me become myself and is a place where I have made many new friends. 我爱那里的人们,并将继续成为俱乐部的一部分。”

- Andrew Coolidge
Geeks & Gamers Club President

Student Organizations

代表同学参加学生组织,对SJC产生影响. You'll have the chance to grow your leadership skills and help shape campus life in a meaningful way.

Plan and host student activities and campus events by joining the 火博体育官网委员会. Work closely with the Office of Student Engagement and Campus Life to host exciting activities and help create a vibrant environment at SJC.


  • Luminarias Display
  • Block Party
  • Family Night
  • Spring Bash
  • Halloween Carnival
  • Outdoor movie nights

如欲加入,请到学生参与和校园生活办公室(1612室),电子邮件 getinvolved@klhgq2199.com,或致电(505)566-3212.

Represent the voice of the students by joining the 火博体育联合学生. You will be a part of our student government and make decisions that affect the SJC campus.

要成为学生联合会的一员,请发电子邮件 getinvolved@klhgq2199.com or call (505) 566-3403.

计划和讨论即将到来的学生活动与其他俱乐部和组织的领导. SOLC由CAB的成员领导, 火博体育联合学生, and other campus groups. You'll meet monthly during the fall and spring semesters so groups can cooperate in serving the student body and the community.

要成为SOLC的一员,请联系Amanda Robles roblesa@klhgq2199.com

Student Clubs

想和和你有共同兴趣的人联系? 或者你想尝试一些新的东西? 只要看看SJC的学生俱乐部就知道了! 它们是结交新朋友的好方法, learn new skills, 让你的校园生活更有意义.

Cultural Clubs

和那些和你有共同文化兴趣的人联系, 并庆祝我们校园社区的多样性.

ANLA is a vibrant student-led organization that actively collaborates with the Native American Center. Together, 他们使各种各样的事件栩栩如生, 包括一年一度的祈祷仪式和葫芦舞, 土著小姐选美大赛, 还有许多其他的文化庆祝活动. 和我们一起尊重和参与这些丰富的传统!

Mission Statement:

To promote the sharing of culture across campus and encourage Native American students to pursue leadership opportunities.

Contact Information:



Mission Statement:

Promote STEM on campus, outreach to communities, and build better relationships with faculty.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:


如果你对发展或提高你的领导能力感兴趣, 不要错过参加彩色俱乐部的机会. Through training, 你将获得制定计划的技能, organize, and execute various events during the academic year and in an interactive and fun environment.

The club collaborates with the Herencia Latina Center and other departments in various events, 比如西班牙传统月.

Contact Information:



加入所有国家领导协会,帮助支持会议, 我们在哪里庆祝和尊重土著生活和文化. 

Department Clubs

Enhance your academic experience and connect with students like you through our Department Clubs! 寻找职业发展、人际关系网等机会.

Mission Statement:


Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

To provide a professional organization for respiratory care students and provide a mechanism to integrate into the student community outside the health programs.

我们的目标和宗旨是促进专业和个人成长, 提供呼吸护理专业的意识, and sponsor various fundraising events that will support efforts to attend educational meetings.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

支持火博体育的学生和家长, 为幼儿发声, and promote healthy relationships between and among children and those who care for them.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

我们的目标是促进学术研究, leadership, and community service, as well as encourage professional development for San Juan College students interested in social sciences.

我们很自豪Psi Beta是我们社会科学俱乐部(SSC)的一部分. Psi Beta是全国社区大学心理学荣誉协会. Its mission is the professional development of psychology students through the promotion and recognition of excellence in scholarship, leadership, research, and community service.

通过我们的SSC/Psi Beta画布页面注册

2023年春季分会会议(与Active Minds Club联席会议)

下午2:30到1925室(书店附近)参加我们的会议.m.-3:30 p.m. on the following dates.

  • March 23
  • April 13
  • April 27
  • May 4

缩放选项也可用. 火博体育的俱乐部顾问获取链接.


Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

Students for Energy & 可持续发展将帮助学生提高他们在相关领域的兴趣, 提供内部和外部的交流机会, 提高对行业当前趋势的认识, 创造志愿服务机会, 培养领导能力, 支持SJC校园生活.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

To provide the profession of dental hygiene and to improve the oral health of our community.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:


Contact Information:

This club is the SJC Student Chapter of the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America Club (SJC SCNAVTA), 也被称为兽医技术俱乐部.

Mission Statement:


  1. 促进兽医技术人员的专业和教育发展
  2. To promote and maintain the professional image and high ethical standards of the veterinary technician
  3. 促进对所有生物的进步和人道的医疗护理
  4. To promote and maintain a cooperative professional relationship with the veterinary medical profession
  5. 促进对全国兽医技师协会的兴趣 
  6. 作为美国兽医技术协会成员与兽医技术学生之间的联络人
  7. To further the social and scientific advancement of San Juan College veterinary technology students

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:


Contact Information:


Make Smiles Brighter

Join the 美国学生牙科保健师协会 as they provide free dental care to children in our community at our regular the "Give Kids a Smile Day" events. 你会帮助清洁和建立持久的口腔健康习惯. 

Religious Clubs

探索你的信仰,找到团契. 我们的宗教俱乐部提供了一个支持和欢迎的社区,在那里你可以成长.

Mission Statement:

创造一个社区和火博体育个人信仰的公开对话的地方, culture, 生活让我们可以互相成长和学习.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

To keep students and community in connection of Creator and Lord through traditions and religion. To have engagement through college and share stories that are going to encourage students to share their beliefs.


这个春季学期,本地校际大学将在每周二下午5点举办圣经学习.m. in Mary's Kitchen. 我们将学习精神培育和心理健康.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:


LDSSA 2023春季周展展位

The LDSSA Club has an information booth in the Graphic Arts Court (outside the Tutoring Center) from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 快来参加我们的俱乐部,了解更多火博体育LDSSA. Below are the dates:

  • 03/23
  • 03/30
  • 04/06
  • 04/13
  • 04/20
  • 04/27

Contact Information:


Special Interest Clubs

探索共同的爱好或发现新的激情与我们的特殊兴趣俱乐部. 在SJC找一个朋友社区.

Mission Statement:

我们相信,没有人应该独自奋斗. 让年轻人能够公开谈论心理健康, we can reduce stigma, encourage help-seeking, and prevent suicides.

Active Minds is a national nonprofit that empowers students to change the conversation about mental health and suicide prevention. 我们提高认识,分享资源,激励行动. 我们致力于拯救生命,建设更强大的校园社区.

As a chapter, Active Minds at San Juan College is a student-led mental health advocacy group that raises awareness about mental health on campus. 我们为关键的心理健康教育规划和资源筹集资金, promote mental wellness, 教育学生和教育工作者火博体育精神健康障碍的症状和体征, 鼓励那些有困难的学生去寻求帮助.

欲了解更多信息或参与,请联系 activeminds@klhgq2199.com.


下午2:30到1925室(书店附近)参加我们的会议.m.-3:30 p.m. on the following dates.

  • March 23
  • April 13
  • April 27
  • May 4

缩放选项也可用. 火博体育的俱乐部顾问获取链接.

Suicide Awareness Walk

Each April we host a Suicide Awareness Walk, in which we remember loved ones lost to suicide. 我们也提供信息来教育校园和提供资源来帮助他人.


Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

Cannabis 4 Health is here to help people understand more about the health benefits of cannabis and how long this plant has been used as medicine.

Meeting Information:

大麻健康每周三下午4:30开始.m.-5:30 p.m. in the HHPC Café.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

研究和探索加密货币, the metaverse, Web3, NFT, P2E Gaming, 以及其他分散的项目.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:


SJC Geeks & 游戏玩家是火博体育学生和社区成员可以建立联系的地方, relieve stress, and have fun. SJC G&G provides a safe and engaging space for people to play video games, board and card games, D&D,以及谈论动漫,科幻小说和幻想作品.

我们每周五都有各种各样的游戏,并希望增加更多. 最近几周的游戏包括:

  • Call of Duty
  • Guilty Gear
  • Magic the Gathering
  • Mario Kart
  • Mario Party
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • UNO

我们俱乐部手头有好几套游戏系统和游戏. 如果你有游戏,我们鼓励你带来! 我们每周五在学生太阳酒廊1608室举办游戏之夜. 学生太阳休息室可以通过双层门进入图书馆.


Geeks & Gamers club is excited to present this classic tabletop and role-playing experience to SJC. Everyone is welcome.

请关注我们即将到来的D&D Game Nights where everyone is welcome to come learn about and experience this classic tabletop game.

Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

SJC光芒队是一个大学电子竞技队. 我们正在积极招募会员.

Join the SJC Rays!E-sports on campus!

The E-sports club is meeting every Thursday from 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM and Friday – Sunday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM in the Information Technology Center, room 7228. 

学生们一起为《火博体育官网》组建团队, Rocket League, and Fortnite. 学生们将与其他NACE Starleague电子竞技联盟大学进行比赛.



Contact Us

Advisor: Randall Keeswood | keeswoodr@klhgq2199.com 

SJC Rays Facebook Page 




It's simple! 召集四名同学和一名教职员作为你的扶轮社顾问. 一旦你有了自己的团队, you can begin the paperwork to register your club at the Office of Student Engagement and Campus Life. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 getinvolved@klhgq2199.com 今天就开始你自己的校园社区吧!

Contact Us

想了解更多火博体育我们学生俱乐部和组织的信息? 联系学生参与和校园生活办公室. Email getinvolved@klhgq2199.com 或致电505-566-3403预约.

我们的办公室位于学生中心1612室,玛丽厨房楼上. 星期一到星期五上午8点开放.m.-5 p.m.


Phone: (505) 566-3403

Student Center
Room 1612

M-F 8 a.m - 5 p.m.